Gamification Simplifying the Interaction between Employees and Employers

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In future, IT admin who'll successfully gamify their offices could have their salary packages doubled. Gamification is looked upon as a feasible option for businesses, as they are continually looking for new solutions to improve interaction at the workplace. They are always in search of options to help them to engage with employees and recording their feedback for the changes, they would like to see in the organization. In these circumstances, gaming platforms use a bright future. According to CIO magazine, recognizing and rewarding better performers is quite easy by gamifying the whole IT structure. Gamification means the variation of game features to non-traditional gaming approaches. It is still an emerging technology having numerous variations and IT CIOs increasingly becoming familiar with it quickly. The prime cause of implementing gamification in a business is to improve the level of excitement and attention in most particular activity. It is actually a completely different conception used by the employers to generate their employees perform better.

A US based store recently designed a unique gaming application to the checkout process. With it, cashiers could detect the length of time is used in scanning certain items. Red lights and green lights are flashed dependant on the time difference between scanning with the product. This made cashiers take on themselves and grow their last performance. This is just an insignificant instance of gamification, but enough to spell out how adventure and working can be collaborated.

However, few industries like pharmacy sector won't be able to take benefit of gamification concept. Some time back, a leading pharmacy software provider designed a similar application for tracking, how long their consumers need to wait, before being attended by IT experts. This agitated the workers as they took it as being getting under surveillance along with the company has got to cease this project. After this disastrous start, it adopted an achievement-based application to reward the workers by tracking their performance. Luckily, this method worked, as costumers reported more satisfactory customer support services during feedbacks.

As far as gaming like applications and software packages are concerned, you'll find formulas to get implemented to make certain that it boosts company's production. Still, experts see it as being an efficient tool to record performance data in the employees. However, the job of IT section becomes vital, as it would coordinate with various sections to know what they want in the app and tailor it to fit the requirement of every section and employee. At present, it's a rather unheard concept in the US but it's expected that in coming years, this market is going to be the busiest industry as enterprises can be in a mad race to have their software and apps updated being a gamified software or app. Its total cost can be around USD 5.5 billion by 2018, that's USD 421 million presently. Gartner has predicted that by 2014, 70 percent US based businesses can have one or more gamified application.

Mobile apps have been the most used medium for gaming platform users. Recently a Boston based gamification reward company released an investigation, which said that one-third mobile apps users interacted utilizing their application. It further said that mostly rewarded users were completing their actions via their mobile phones and apps and so they were quicker in order to complete their task for that sake to be rewarded.

All these points give us a clear idea that gamification of mobile apps and enterprise software are usually in the limelight in the coming future. With the US being the entire world leader in technology, this concept is going to be used at its best and assist US based companies in improving country's reputation inside world.

The author holds a author positions using a trusted enterprise app development companies. The team of mobile app developer Dallas, BlackBerry, Android and iPhone developers in Dallas has generated more than 300 apps for clients.