How to Buy Viagra Online: 10 Quick Tips by Antonio LeMaire

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As maybe you have noticed, there are many Internet pharmacies which you could order and purchase Viagra online. Allowing users to order Viagra online from the privacy of these homes is a great boon to both consumers and sellers, creating a cottage industry of Viagra vendors. Some actually deliver what you promise... and not all of them.

Order Viagra With Caution

For example, some online vendors claim they sell authentic Viagra for any dollar or two per pill. This is NOT real Viagra. But you won't are aware that until your Viagra order arrives. It may seem like the little blue pill, it may well even are available in what appears like an authentic package. You'll only get the deception if the medication doesn't work. Or worse, it can make you sick.

Knowing which online pharmacy to trust might be confusing. Researching every one of them is impossible. So when you randomly choose best places to buy Viagra online, read these reliability tips. They will allow you to weed through the vendors in order to find one you can trust for a genuine product, good service and fair pricing.

Choosing a Viagra Online Vendor:

Does your website have US-licensed physicians and pharmacists within the company who can properly assess your medical information, issue a prescription, and dispense your Viagra order?

Is the web pharmacy's headquarters in the US?

Do they have got reliable 24-hour customer service and a toll free line? (Try calling and asking questions prior to deciding to order Viagra online from any vendor.)

Does the pharmacy sell ONLY FDA-approved genuine Viagra? Remember: If it's too cheap, you're getting a fake. Generic Viagra will not exist ? Pfizer continues to hold the patent ? but illegal fake copies are out there. They have not been approved by the FDA and might risk your overall health. (See this article on Herbal Viagra to find out more about fraudulent Viagra claims.)

Beware Viagra online vendors who encourage one to buy the 100 mg tablets and break them into smaller doses to economize. Genuine Viagra pills are NOT scored, they've a hard outer coating, and should not easily be divided even with a pill cutter. It is always advisable to order the correct dosage.

Do seek out Viagra online drugs that offer loyalty discounts and promotions, like a certain percentage luxury retreats off refills. also provides a free consultation while other pharmacies charge up to $50. Careful selection you will save money if you buy Viagra online.

Just like size, sometimes appearances DO matter. Avoid online drugs with shoddy looking or single page websites that resemble they were slapped together yesterday. Chances are we were holding. And if the English is poor, you may well be dealing with an offshore pharmacy masquerading being a homegrown US business.

Narrow your research to include Viagra pharmacies offering a comprehensive online library of info about the product(s) they sell. This indicates they care about ensuring their potential customers are informed in regards to the drugs they take.

Look for the secure symbol in the site's address ( This layer of security protects your medical and charge card information.

Finally, get your Viagra online from your pharmacy with at least four or five years in business. They are in it for your long haul, not here-today-gone-tomorrow, so you can rely on them together with your business.

In short, you have to employ a healthy dose of consumer caution whenever you order Viagra online from the pharmacy that you have never used before. Getting a positive recommendation from the trusted friend is definitely the best way to go. Plus the ten tips above will enable you to avoid disappointment and funds wasted.

Antonio LeMaire can be a Search Engine Optimization expert, boasting over 7 years of algorithmic search and paid search advertising. Helping a number of Online Pharmacies like: Online Pharmacy -