Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Walkthrough - Chapter 4: Urban Flight - Combine Snipers and Forts

提供: 先週の結果分析
2016年7月25日 (月) 19:02時点におけるBerndGoddard (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

移動先: 案内検索

We're out into the sun, however it is not much safer. City 17 is failing at the seems and we're in the actual middle from it. You need to assist the resistance regain control if you wish to survive. If you need any help out with this battle, then just look here.
Okay. We're finally from the dark for once. We're now trapped behind fences though. Go back to the fenced-in supply area and turn the wheel. Break open all of the boxes to acquire some necessary supplies. Also check around for the orange wheel. Pick it down and pop it in to the little orange box from the fence. Turn it to start the gate and head outdoors.
Feel absolve to listen to Dr. Kleiner for a minute. When you're ready to visit, walk around towards the back corner with the sheet metal on the wooden frame. Pull it off and go through. Clear the next doorway, but grab your gun. 4 Combine should rappel down in to the alley. Help Alyx pick them off with your pistol. Once they're dead, search the bodies for an SMG. Go out the finish to spot a rebel fighting a few antlions.
There are 3 antlion burrows, but lots of cars. Use the gravity gun to bar the 2 closest burrows. Push outside but stop for any minute. Some Combine should rappel in throughout the third burrow. Back off for a second so the antlions attack them. Then utilize the distraction to push the very last car into the burrow.
Advance a little more to the end in the street. Pull the boards off of the blue door and open it. Shoot the mine from the 2 Combine to blow them up in a safe distance. This also initiates a chain reaction along with a bit of a fire though. You'll need to put that out one which just advance.
Go down and towards the left. Use the gravity gun to tug the supplies off the shelf. Don't stand too close though, considering that the box set off the mine. Go into the back room for the basic seesaw puzzle. Grab the 2 main chairs in the area and hang them right down about the pipes. Set them a bit out from the final though. This should immobilize the pipes and let you run up on the other side. Jump over towards the propane tank and turn the valve until it shuts off.
Go out and rejoin Alyx. Head upstairs and wait for your first zombie to trip the mines. Pull on the rollermine and possess Alyx realign it. Shoot it go back over and let it wipe out the zombies. It should even roll on the stairs. If you're lucky, it's going to roll out the entranceway and start fighting one other rollermine. I personally considered that was one of the most awesome random moments in the game.

Go down and appear outside to find out the battlefield. There are antlions flying in in the wall on the left. There's a sniper and a machine gunner on the street. There's also a couple of junk that you're going to have to hide behind. See if you can grab the rollermine and have Alyx realign it. That should really assist the other one get its job done. Rush out and behind the miscroscopic truck on the left. Then sprint out on the right side of the street behind your building. See in case you can then advance from car to car.

Hopefully, one rollermine rolled forward and killed your machine gunner. If not, then grab one and throw it at him. The sniper shouldn't shoot at you in case you stay behind the vehicle. Either toss up a grenade, or toss in a friendly rollermine. Either should kill them. Preferably, you can utilize rollermine as you shouldn't have many grenades with the moment.

Wait a minute and Alyx will amass. Let her climb up for the sniper's post and take up her position. Jump up and grab the ladder to climb on the fence and drop down. There are 3 categories of 2 zombies. Just move on the center and move about while Alyx snipes them. Once they're dead, proceed through the doorway. Turn towards the right and eliminate the poison headcrab behind the supplies. Then go upstairs. There's one zombie then one zombie torso. Take this chance to knock the boards off of the window to ensure that Alyx has a clean shot. Advance a bit more to run in to the big band of zombies and zombine. Fall back and let Alyx pick them off. Be very careful though, since the zombines bills you you in the event you get too close. Be ready to take them out if they run out of Alyx's range.

Advance on the hallway and on the stairs. Break the production boxes and heal up. Step out into the street to start out the assault for the Combine fort. Use the gravity gun to tug down the sheet metal shielding the soldier before you. Alyx will nail him quickly. Then push the car forward and conceal the burrow. Grab the oxygen tank and approach the gate. Shoot it in to the group and charge through the gate. If you aren't fast enough, then just wait a second and another group of 3 arrive out. Kill any stragglers behind the gate with your SMG.

Get up about the fort and cover Alyx. A chain of antlions will chase her through the sniper position. Use the pistol or perhaps the shotgun to hide her. Once the antlions are dead, she'll hack the console and open the threshold. It seems like the Citadel is degrading quickly though.

Go with the open door. Grab some more supplies and approach the doorway. 4 Combine come through the entranceway and move over to the left side. Use the shotgun gain one shot kills on all of them at close range. Go into the next room and grab a pulse rifle off with the wall. Get even more supplies too. Charge up quickly on the other side of the room and after that fall back when the doors start to chime. Take cover from your door breaching action and ambush some Combine soldiers coming inside. Use the pulse rifle or perhaps the shotgun.

Charge back up at the health and energy dispensers after which head out of the building. Kill the Combine soldier having a shotgun inside the corner ahead.and then go up the steps to the little office. Grab the supplies in the dead Combine soldier. Then drop down.

Watch the Antlion Guard attack the Combine APC as well as the soldiers. Just hang back and let it handle them. Nothing has really changed with fighting these guys. Just play matador and pouring shotgun blasts with it. You can also make use of the explosive barrels, in case you want. Alyx are able to keep most with the antlions from your back as you finish it off. Once it's dead, push forward with Alyx. Make sure that she can get on the machine gun position.

Alyx should be trottinette able to use this position to eliminate the antlions whilst you push the 2 cars forward and into each from the burrows. With the antlions sealed off, 5 Combine will rappel down in the fort. Ambush these soldiers while they come out. Go forward and clear out both the waiting within the trench. Heal up employing their health dispenser, and then go through the hole inside the trench. You'll finish up in another room which has a locked door. Be careful though. 1 hopper mine holds back behind 3 explosive barrels. Pull it and lay it back off to prevent one heck of an explosion.

Go through the air duct. Don't bother climbing the first ladder. That path just drops you back with Alyx. You need to stick to the full length of the pipe until it drops you down to the bottom of one just crazy room.