アメリカ McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds LLC

1着 2着 3着 着外 勝率 連対率 複勝率 単勝回 複勝回
McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds LLC × 武豊騎手3231413.6%22.7%36.4%122.3円83.2円
McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds LLC × 川田将雅騎手1000100.0%100.0%100.0%1,080.0円230.0円
McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds LLC × 勝浦正樹騎手01100.0%50.0%100.0%0.0円180.0円
McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds LLC × 戸崎圭太騎手00030.0%0.0%0.0%0.0円0.0円
McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds LLC × 団野大成騎手00020.0%0.0%0.0%0.0円0.0円
McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds LLC × 池添謙一騎手00010.0%0.0%0.0%0.0円0.0円
McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds LLC × 田辺裕信騎手00010.0%0.0%0.0%0.0円0.0円
McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds LLC × 石橋脩騎手00010.0%0.0%0.0%0.0円0.0円
McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds LLC × 浜中俊騎手00010.0%0.0%0.0%0.0円0.0円
McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds LLC × 落合玄太騎手00010.0%0.0%0.0%0.0円0.0円

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since 2001.06.26 -