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The Mathematics of Persuasive Communication by Philip Yaffe

142 バイト追加, 2016年7月20日 (水) 16:42
At first glance mathematics and persuasive communication ? writing, and particularly presentation - would seem to have little in common. After all, mathematics is definitely an objective science, whilst speaking involves voice quality, inflection, eye-to-eye contact, personality, gestures, and other subjective components. <br><br><br><br>However, under the surface they may be very similar. <br><br><br><br>Above anything else, the achievements an oral presentation is dependent upon the precision of the structure. Mathematics is about precision. It is therefore not odd to believe that applying a few of the concepts of mathematics to oral presentations may make them substantially more efficient. <br><br><br><br>As they are saying in the film industry, three important aspects go into building a successful movie: the script, the script, and also the script. Likewise, three important aspects go into setting up a successful speech: the structure, the structure, and also the structure. <br><br><br><br>Not convinced? Then let's start with something less radical. <br><br><br><br>I think we are able to all agree that good speaking is related to good writing. If it is possible to write a good text, you are well on your way to preparing a fantastic oral presentation. Therefore, in case you improve your writing, you will also increase your speaking. <br><br><br><br>To simplify matters, to any extent further we will talk mainly about good writing, because in many instances the same ideas apply directly to good speaking. <br><br><br><br>Know what you are doing <br><br><br><br>Many commercial companies do not live up to their potential - and occasionally go bankrupt - given that they fail to correctly define the business these are in. <br><br><br><br>Perfume companies, as an example, tend not to sell fragrant liquids, but love, romance, seductiveness, self-esteem, etc. Bio-food companies usually do not sell organic produce, but honesty, purity, nature, etc. Automobile manufacturers tend not to sell transportation, but alternatively freedom, adventure, spontaneity, prestige, etc. The fact is, each industry, even each individual product, may need to determine what it is truly about - where there are a large number of them! <br><br><br><br>Writers are lucky. There are numerous variations to what we do, but there are really only two fundamental types of writing. It is very important to recognise this, because they are not only quite different, in certain respects they may be exactly opposite. So unless we clearly recognise which type of writing were doing - and just how it differs from another one - we'll almost certainly commit serious errors. <br><br><br><br>What include the two types? And how will they differ?<br><br><br><br>Creative Writing<br><br><br><br>Texts like short stories, novels, poems, radio plays, stage plays, television scripts, film scripts, etc.<br><br><br><br>The fundamental purpose of creative writing would be to amuse and entertain. Expository Writing<br><br><br><br>Texts such as memos, reports, proposals, training manuals, newsletters, research papers, etc.<br><br><br><br>The fundamental function of expository writing is usually to instruct and inform.<br><br><br><br>Essential attitude towards expository writing <br><br><br><br>Because the objectives of creative and expository writing are very different, before striking a vital you must adopt the appropriate attitude towards the type of writing you are doing.<br><br><br><br>Creative writing attitude <br><br><br><br>Everyone really wants to read want what you're going to write down.<br><br><br><br>After all, who doesn't want to be amused and entertained? <br><br><br><br>Expository writing attitude<br><br><br><br>No one would like to read what you really are going to publish. <br><br><br><br>Most people don't like to get instructed and informed. They probably would much prefer to become doing something more important. <br><br><br><br>The importance of recognising and adopting the "expository writing attitude" can't be over-stated, since it can dramatically customize the very nature of what you're writing. Here are a couple of examples. <br><br><br><br>A. Corporate image brochure <br><br><br><br>I used to be commissioned to publish a corporate image brochure. Two things are certain about these expensive, glossy booklets: <br><br><br><br>? Almost all companies associated with a size feel compelled to make them.<br><br><br><br>? Virtually nobody ever reads them.<br><br><br><br>Starting through the attitude that nobody would wish to read what I was about to publish, I designed a brochure that people not only read. They actually known as the company to request additional copies to give to friends, clients and professional colleagues! <br><br><br><br>B. Stagnating product <br><br><br><br>On another occasion, I was commissioned to develop an advertising campaign to revitalise something with stagnating sales. Applying the expository writing attitude, I discovered that three from the product's key benefits were not being properly exploited. Why? The manufacturer felt that everything regarding product was important, so for decades they had been systematically burying these three key benefits under an avalanche of other information of less interest to potential buyers. The new campaign sharply focussed about the key benefits; virtually all more information was moved to the background or eliminated. As a result, sales raised some 40% in the first year. <br><br><br><br>With some nuances, this self-same expository writing attitude may be - and will be - applied to speaking, at the same time. <br><br><br><br>Essential method of expository writing <br><br><br><br>Because creative writing and expository writing have essentially different objectives and attitudes, they might require essentially different approaches. <br><br><br><br>Creative writing approach <br><br><br><br>Play with language to generate pleasure. <br><br><br><br>In simple terms, takes place mastery of the language to amuse and entertain. <br><br><br><br>Expository writing approach <br><br><br><br>Organise information to build interest. <br><br><br><br>Clever utilization of language won't make dull information interesting; however, you are able to organise the knowledge to make it interesting. Forget about literary pyrotechnics. Concentrate on content. <br><br><br><br>We are now likely to leave creative writing, because most of what we write, and say, is expository. <br><br><br><br>What can we mean by "good writing"? <br><br><br><br>We are ready to resume the notion of how mathematics pertains to good writing, through extension to great speaking. <br><br><br><br>When someone reads an expository text or learns an expository speech, these are likely to judge it as being good you aren't good. You probably do that yourself. But exactly what do you actually mean once you say a text or possibly a speech is "good". <br><br><br><br>After some struggling, many people will usually settle on two criteria: clear and concise.<br><br><br><br>Mathematics is determined by unambiguous definitions; in case you are not clear regarding the problem, you're unlikely to obtain the solution. So we have been going to examine these criteria in certain detail as a way to establish objective definitions - as well as quasi-mathematical formulae - for testing whether a text or a presentation truly is "good". <br><br><br><br>A. Clarity <br><br><br><br>How do you know that a text is clear?<br><br><br><br>If this appears like a silly question, attempt to answer it. You will probably do something like this: <br><br><br><br>Question: What makes this text clear? <br><br><br><br>Answer: It is easy to understand. <br><br><br><br>Question: What makes it clear to see? <br><br><br><br>Answer: It is simple. <br><br><br><br>Question: What do you mean by simple? <br><br><br><br>Answer: It is see-through. <br><br><br><br>You actually end up making the rounds in a circle. The text is apparent because it is easy to understand . . . because it can be simple . . . because it is clear.<br><br><br><br>"Clear", "easy to understand", and "simple" are synonyms. Whilst synonyms could have nuances, they do not have content, so you happen to be still left to your own subjective appreciation. But whatever you think is apparent may not be clear to somebody else. <br><br><br><br>This is why we give "clear" a target definition, much like a mathematical formula. To achieve clarity -i.e. virtually everyone will agree that it can be clear - you should do three things.<br><br><br><br>1. Emphasise what exactly is of key importance. <br><br><br><br>2. De-emphasise precisely what is of secondary importance.<br><br><br><br>3. Eliminate what exactly is of no importance.<br><br><br><br>In short: CL = EDE<br><br><br><br>Like all mathematical formulae, this works only in case you know how to apply it, which requires judgement. <br><br><br><br>In this example, you have to first decide what exactly is of key importance, i.e. what would be the key ideas you desire your readers to consider away from your text? This is not simple to do. It is far safer to say that everything is of key importance, which means you put in whatever you have. But there is really a dictum that warns: If things are all important, then nothing is. In other words, if you do not first perform work of defining what you really want readers to know, they won't do it to suit your needs. They will get lost in your text and either give up or come out another end not understanding what it can be they have read. <br><br><br><br>What regarding the second element with the formula, de-emphasise what's of secondary importance? <br><br><br><br>That sounds simple. You don't want key information and ideas to acquire lost in details. If you clearly emphasise what is of key importance - via headlines, Italics, underlining, or just how you organise the info - then whatever is left over is automatically de-emphasised. <br><br><br><br>Now the only thing left to perform is eliminate what's of no importance. <br><br><br><br>But how can you distinguish between precisely what is of secondary importance and what is of no importance? Once again, this involves judgement, that is helped through the following extremely important test. <br><br><br><br>Secondary importance is anything that supports and/or elaborates one or more from the key ideas. If you judge a piece of information the truth is does support or elaborate more than one key ideas, then you keep it. If not, you avoid it. <br><br><br><br>B. Conciseness <br><br><br><br>How are you aware that a text is concise? <br><br><br><br>If this once again appears like a silly question, let's attempt to answer it. <br><br><br><br>Question: What makes this text concise? <br><br><br><br>Answer: It is short. <br><br><br><br>Question: What do you mean by short? <br><br><br><br>Answer: It doesn't need too many words. <br><br><br><br>Question: How did you know it doesn't always have too many words?<br><br><br><br>Answer: Because it really is concise. <br><br><br><br>So yet again we wind up going around in a circle. The text is concise because it really is short . . . given it doesn't have way too many words . . . because it really is concise. <br><br><br><br>Once again, we have almost a mathematical formula to fix the problem. To achieve conciseness, your text should meet two criteria. It should be as: <br><br><br><br>1. Long as necessary <br><br><br><br>2. Short as is possible<br><br><br><br>In symbols: CO = LS<br><br><br><br>If you have fulfilled the criteria of "clarity" correctly, you already understand "as long as necessary". It means covering all of the ideas of key importance you might have identified, and each of the ideas of secondary importance required to support and/or elaborate these key ideas.<br><br><br><br>Note that nothing is said here regarding the number of words, because it can be irrelevant. If it takes 500 words to become "as long as necessary", then 500 words can be used. If it takes 1500 words, than the is all right too. The important point is everything that should be in the text is fully there. <br><br><br><br>Then precisely what is meant by "as short as is possible"? <br><br><br><br>Once again, it's nothing caused by with the number of words. It is useless to state [https://www.testbankcollege.com/index.php/business-statistics-test-banks-and-solution-manuals-url.html look at this now] the beginning, "I must not write over 300 words for this subject", because 500 words could be the minimum necessary. <br><br><br><br>"As short as you possibly can" means staying as close as you can to the minimum. But not because those prefer short texts; in the abstract the terms "long" and "short" don't have any meaning. The important point is all words after dark minimum usually reduce clarity.<br><br><br><br>We shouldn't be rigid about this. If being "as long as necessary" can be done in 500 words so you use 520, this is probably an issue of individual style. It does no harm. However, if you use 650 words, it can be almost sure the text will not be completely clea r- and that the reader will end up confused, bored or lost. <br><br><br><br>In sum, conciseness means saying what needs to get said in the minimum level of words. Conciseness: <br><br><br><br>? Aids clarity by ensuring best structuring of data.<br><br><br><br>? Holds reader interest by providing maximum information in minimum time.<br><br><br><br>C. Density <br><br><br><br>Density is often a less familiar concept than clarity and conciseness, but is equally important. In mathematical form, density consists of: <br><br><br><br>1. Precise information <br><br><br><br>2. Logically linked<br><br><br><br>In simple terms: D = PL<br><br><br><br>Importance of precise information <br><br><br><br>Suppose you enter a space where you can find two other people and say, "It's sizzling hot today." One of those people originates from Helsinki; in their mind he interprets "hot" to mean about 23?C. The other one originates from Khartoum; to him "hot" means 45?C. <br><br><br><br>You are on a rather bad start, because they all have a totally different idea of the items you want to express. But suppose you say, "It's scorching today; the temperature is 28? C." Now there is no room for confusion. They both know quite clearly that it can be 28? C outside knowning that you consider this to get very hot. <br><br><br><br>Using the maximum amount of precise information as possible in a very text increases the writer two significant advantages: <br><br><br><br>? Mind Control <br><br><br><br>Let's 't be embarrassed from the term "mind control", since this is precisely what the great expository writer really wants to achieve. He needs for the reader's mind to visit only where he directs it and nowhere else. <br><br><br><br>Because they can be interpreted in unknown ways, ambiguous terms (so-called "weasel words") like "hot", "cold", "big", "small", "good", "bad", etc., allow your reader's mind to escape from the writer's control. An occasional lapse is not critical; however, way too many weasel words in a text will in the end lead to reader confusion, boredom and disinterest. <br><br><br><br>? Reader Confidence <br><br><br><br>Using precise information generates confidence, as it tells people that the writer really knows what he's talking about. <br><br><br><br>Reader confidence is very important in any kind of text, but it is crucial in [http://Edublogs.org/?s=argumentation argumentation]. If you are trying to win a spot, the last thing you want is your reader to challenge crucial computer data, but this may be the first reaction imprecise writing will provoke. Precise writing ensures how the discussion will be in regards to the implications in the information, i.e. what conclusions must be drawn, not whether or not the whole thing needs to visit back for additional investigation.<br><br><br><br>Importance of logical linking <br><br><br><br>Precise data (facts) alone are insufficient. To be meaningful, data have to be organised to produce information, i.e. help the reader understand. <br><br><br><br>There are two important tests to use when converting data into information: <br><br><br><br>1. Relevance <br><br><br><br>Is a particular piece of data really needed? As we have seen, unnecessary data damages understanding and ultimately undermines confidence. Therefore, any data that do not either aid understanding or promote confidence needs to be eliminated.<br><br><br><br>2. Misconceptions <br><br><br><br>The logical link between data must be made explicit to prevent people from visiting false conclusions. For example: a certain situation may be confused for a general one; credit for an achievement may appear to participate in only one person in the event it really is owned by a group; a business policy may appear to utilize only in very specific circumstances in lieu of in all circumstances, etc. <br><br><br><br>To ensure a logical link is see-through, put the two pieces of data as close to each other as you possibly can, preferably right next together. <br><br><br><br>When data are widely separated, their logical relationship is masked along with the reader is unlikely to create the connection. <br><br><br><br>What do you desire? What do the future prospect want?<br><br><br><br>I frequently ask non-professional writers what they may be thinking when they sit down in the keyboard to compose their text. The answer is usually something such as, "How do I wish to present my material?" "What tone and style should I use?" "In what order should I put my key ideas?" And so on. <br><br><br><br>However, if you start with the correct attitude, i.e. no one would like to read what you write, your first task is none of the. Ahead of other things, you must find logic behind why people should spend their time for you to read that which you write. <br><br><br><br>In general, you can't force people you just read what they don't want to, even if these are being paid to do so. <br><br><br><br>For example, you have produced a report defining opportunities for increased profits. However, if it's not well written, even people that must read becoming part of their job are unlikely take their full attention. On the opposite hand, whenever they immediately see their particular self-interest in reading everything you have written, they will do so gladly with full attention. In fact, you probably couldn't stop them from reading it! <br><br><br><br>There are various methods to get such a strong desire you just read, depending on the kind of readers along with the type of data. Whatever the best suited device, the thing is to recognise the imperative need to use it. Until this need is met, little else is of any importance. <br><br><br><br>Editor's note: Reading is surely an isolated activity and listening to a speech is a social one. Therefore, whilst the actual principles of fine writing and good speaking are constant, the way they are applied can be markedly different. In the 'I' with the Storm: the Simple Secrets of Writing & Speaking (Almost) just like a Professional, Mr. Yaffe's recently published book, clearly explains these differences. It also offers several appendices with cogent examples and pertinent, effective exercises. <br><br><br><br>Philip Yaffe can be a former reporter/feature writer with The Wall Street Journal along with a marketing communication consultant. He currently teaches training in good writing and good presentation in Brussels, Belgium. In the 'I' from the Storm is available either in the print version or electronic version from Story Publishers in Ghent, Belgium ( and Amazon ( <br><br><br><br>For more info, please contact: <br><br>Philip Yaffe<br><br>61 avenue des Noisetiers<br><br>B -1170 Brussels, Belgium<br><br>Tel: +32 (0) 660 04 05<br><br>Email phil.yaffe@yahoo.com<br><br><br><br>Philip Yaffe is often a former writer with The Wall Street Journal and international marketing communication consultant. Now semi-retired, he teaches courses in persuasive communication in Brussels, Belgium. Because his clients use English like a second or third language, his method of writing and presentation is somewhat different from other communication coaches. He will be the author of In the ?I? in the Storm: the Simple Secrets of Writing & Speaking (Almost) as being a Professional. Contact: phil.yaffe@yahoo.com.At first glance mathematics and persuasive communication ? writing, and particularly presenting and public speaking - would appear to have little in accordance. After all, mathematics is definitely an objective science, whilst speaking involves voice quality, inflection, his full attention, personality, body gestures, along with other subjective components. <br><br><br><br>However, within the surface they're very similar. <br><br><br><br>Above whatever else, the prosperity of an oral presentation depends upon the precision of the structure. Mathematics is all about precision. It is therefore not too odd to think that applying a few of the concepts of mathematics to oral presentations will make them substantially more potent. <br><br><br><br>As it is said in the film industry, three main reasons go into building a successful movie: the script, the script, and also the script. Likewise, three key factors go into setting up a successful speech: the structure, the structure, and also the structure. <br><br><br><br>Not convinced? Then let's start with something less radical. <br><br><br><br>I think we can easily all agree that good speaking is related to good writing. If it is possible to write an excellent text, then you're well on your way to preparing a fantastic oral presentation. Therefore, in the event you improve your writing, you will also enhance your speaking. <br><br><br><br>To simplify matters, down the road we will talk mainly about good writing, because generally the same ideas apply right to good speaking. <br><br><br><br>Know what you are doing <br><br><br><br>Many commercial companies don't live up to their potential - and sometimes even go bankrupt - simply because they fail to correctly define the business these are in. <br><br><br><br>Perfume companies, as an example, do not sell fragrant liquids, but love, romance, seductiveness, self-esteem, etc. Bio-food companies don't sell organic produce, but alternatively honesty, purity, nature, etc. Automobile manufacturers tend not to sell transportation, but rather freedom, adventure, spontaneity, prestige, etc. The fact is, each industry, even each individual product, may need to determine what it really is truly all about - there are a large number of them! <br><br><br><br>Writers are lucky. There are numerous variations from what we do, but there are really only two fundamental varieties of writing. It is vital to recognise this, because not only are they quite different, in most respects these are exactly opposite. So unless we clearly recognise which kind of writing we have been doing - and just how it differs from another one - we are going to almost certainly commit serious errors. <br><br><br><br>What would be the two types? And how will they differ?<br><br><br><br>Creative Writing<br><br><br><br>Texts for example short stories, novels, poems, radio plays, stage plays, television scripts, film scripts, etc.<br><br><br><br>The fundamental reason for creative writing is always to amuse and entertain. Expository Writing<br><br><br><br>Texts for example memos, reports, proposals, training manuals, newsletters, research papers, etc.<br><br><br><br>The fundamental intent behind expository writing is always to instruct and inform.<br><br><br><br>Essential attitude towards expository writing <br><br><br><br>Because the objectives of creative and expository writing are very different, before striking a key you must adopt the appropriate attitude on the type of writing what you are doing.<br><br><br><br>Creative writing attitude <br><br><br><br>Everyone would like to read want what you will be going to publish.<br><br><br><br>After all, who doesn't want to get amused and entertained? <br><br><br><br>Expository writing attitude<br><br><br><br>No one wants to read what you will be going to create. <br><br><br><br>Most individuals don't like to become instructed and informed. They probably would much prefer to become doing something different. <br><br><br><br>The significance about recognising and adopting the "expository writing attitude" can't be over-stated, as it can dramatically change the very nature of what you really are writing. Here are a few examples. <br><br><br><br>A. Corporate image brochure <br><br><br><br>I used to be commissioned to create a corporate image brochure. Two things are certain about these expensive, glossy booklets: <br><br><br><br>? Almost all companies associated with a size feel compelled to produce them.<br><br><br><br>? Virtually nobody ever reads them.<br><br><br><br>Starting through the attitude that no person would wish to read what I was about to publish, I developed a brochure that individuals not only read. They actually called the company to request additional copies to give to friends, clients and professional colleagues! <br><br><br><br>B. Stagnating product <br><br><br><br>On another occasion, I was commissioned to formulate an advertising campaign to revitalise a product or service with stagnating sales. Applying the expository writing attitude, I discovered that three from the product's key benefits just weren't being properly exploited. Why? The manufacturer felt that everything regarding product was important, so for years they had been systematically burying these three key benefits under an avalanche of other information of less interest to audience. The new campaign sharply focussed about the key benefits; virtually all other information was gone after the background or eliminated. As a result, sales raised some 40% within the first year. <br><br><br><br>With some nuances, this self-same expository writing attitude could be - and will be - put on speaking, at the same time. <br><br><br><br>Essential method of expository writing <br><br><br><br>Because creative writing and expository writing have essentially different objectives and attitudes, they might need essentially different approaches. <br><br><br><br>Creative writing approach <br><br><br><br>Play with language to build pleasure. <br><br><br><br>In simple terms, takes place mastery in the language to amuse and entertain. <br><br><br><br>Expository writing approach <br><br><br><br>Organise information to get interest. <br><br><br><br>Clever using language will never make dull information interesting; however, you are able to organise the info to make it interesting. Forget about literary pyrotechnics. Concentrate on content. <br><br><br><br>We are now going to leave creative writing, because most of the items we write, and say, is expository. <br><br><br><br>What do we mean by "good writing"? <br><br><br><br>We are actually ready to resume the notion of how mathematics pertains to good writing, by extension to great speaking. <br><br><br><br>When someone reads an expository text or listens to an expository speech, they're likely to judge it as good or not good. You probably make this happen yourself. But exactly what do you actually mean when you say a text or possibly a speech is "good". <br><br><br><br>After some struggling, most of the people will usually decide on two criteria: clear and concise.<br><br><br><br>Mathematics is dependent upon unambiguous definitions; in case you are not clear in regards to the problem, you happen to be unlikely to get the solution. So were going to examine these criteria in a few detail to be able to establish objective definitions - and also quasi-mathematical formulae - for testing whether a text or even a presentation truly is "good". <br><br><br><br>A. Clarity <br><br><br><br>How are you aware that a text is see-[https://www.testbankcollege.com/index.php/physics-test-banks-and-solution-manuals-url.html click through the up coming web site]?<br><br><br><br>If this appears like a silly question, try to answer it. You will probably make a move like this: <br><br><br><br>Question: What makes this text clear? <br><br><br><br>Answer: It is clear to see. <br><br><br><br>Question: What makes it easy to understand? <br><br><br><br>Answer: It is simple. <br><br><br><br>Question: What do you mean by simple? <br><br><br><br>Answer: It is apparent. <br><br><br><br>You the truth is end up open in a circle. The text is obvious because it really is easy to understand . . . because it's simple . . . because it can be clear.<br><br><br><br>"Clear", "clear to see", and "simple" are synonyms. Whilst synonyms might have nuances, they usually do not have content, so you might be still left for your own subjective appreciation. But everything you think is obvious may not clear to another individual. <br><br><br><br>This is the reason why we give "clear" goal definition, much like a mathematical formula. To achieve clarity -i.e. virtually everyone will agree that it can be clear - you have to do three things.<br><br><br><br>1. Emphasise precisely what is of key importance. <br><br><br><br>2. De-emphasise precisely what is of secondary importance.<br><br><br><br>3. Eliminate what is of no importance.<br><br><br><br>In short: CL = EDE<br><br><br><br>Like all mathematical formulae, this place works only in case you know how to apply it, which requires judgement. <br><br><br><br>In this example, you must first decide what's of key importance, i.e. what include the key ideas you need your readers to look at away from your text? This is not always easy to do. It is far safer to say that everything is of key importance, so you put in all you have. But there is often a dictum that warns: If things are important, then there's nothing. In short, if you don't first perform the work of defining whatever you really want readers to know, they don't do it to suit your needs. They will get lost in your text and either throw in the towel or come out the other end unsure what it is they have read. <br><br><br><br>What about the second element of the formula, de-emphasise precisely what is of [http://search.huffingtonpost.com/search?q=secondary&s_it=header_form_v1 secondary] importance? <br><br><br><br>That sounds simple. You don't want key information and ideas to have lost in details. If you clearly emphasise precisely what is of key importance - via headlines, Italics, underlining, or just how you organise the data - then whatever is left over is automatically de-emphasised. <br><br><br><br>Now the thing left to complete is eliminate what's of no importance. <br><br><br><br>But how will you distinguish between what is of secondary importance and precisely what is of no importance? Once again, this calls for judgement, which can be helped by the following extremely important test. <br><br><br><br>Secondary importance is whatever supports and/or elaborates one or more of the key ideas. If you judge that the piece of information in reality does support or elaborate several key ideas, then you certainly keep it. If not, you eliminate it. <br><br><br><br>B. Conciseness <br><br><br><br>How are you aware that a text is concise? <br><br><br><br>If this once again feels like a silly question, let's try and answer it. <br><br><br><br>Question: What makes this text concise? <br><br><br><br>Answer: It is short. <br><br><br><br>Question: What do you mean by short? <br><br><br><br>Answer: It does not have too many words. <br><br><br><br>Question: How have you any idea it doesn't have too many words?<br><br><br><br>Answer: Because it is concise. <br><br><br><br>So yet again we wind up going around inside a circle. The text is concise because it is short . . . because it doesn't have way too many words . . . because it's concise. <br><br><br><br>Once again, we've got almost a mathematical formula to fix the problem. To achieve conciseness, your text should meet two criteria. It have to be as: <br><br><br><br>1. Long as necessary <br><br><br><br>2. Short as is possible<br><br><br><br>In symbols: CO = LS<br><br><br><br>If you've got fulfilled the criteria of "clarity" correctly, you already understand "as long as necessary". It means covering all the ideas of key importance you've got identified, and all the ideas of secondary importance necessary to support and/or elaborate these key ideas.<br><br><br><br>Note that nothing is said here about the number of words, because it can be irrelevant. If it takes 500 words being "as long as necessary", then 500 words must be used. If it takes 1500 words, this is all right too. The important point is everything that should be within the text is fully there. <br><br><br><br>Then what is meant by "as short as you can"? <br><br><br><br>Once again, this has nothing do in order to with the number of words. It is useless to state at the beginning, "I mustn't write over 300 words for this subject", because 500 words will be the minimum necessary. <br><br><br><br>"As short as you possibly can" means staying as close as you are able to to the minimum. But not because those prefer short texts; within the abstract the terms "long" and "short" don't have any meaning. The important point is all words at night minimum have a tendency to reduce clarity.<br><br><br><br>We shouldn't be rigid relating to this. If being "as long as necessary" can be done in 500 words and you also use 520, this is probably a question of individual style. It does no harm. However, if you use 650 words, it is almost sure the text are not completely clea r- which the reader will end up confused, bored or lost. <br><br><br><br>In sum, conciseness means saying what needs being said in the minimum quantity of words. Conciseness: <br><br><br><br>? Aids clarity by ensuring best structuring of info.<br><br><br><br>? Holds reader interest through providing maximum information in minimum time.<br><br><br><br>C. Density <br><br><br><br>Density can be a less familiar concept than clarity and conciseness, but is equally important. In mathematical form, density contains: <br><br><br><br>1. Precise information <br><br><br><br>2. Logically linked<br><br><br><br>In simple terms: D = PL<br><br><br><br>Importance of precise information <br><br><br><br>Suppose you enter a place where you can find two other people and say, "It's sizzling hot today." One of those people originates from Helsinki; in their mind he interprets "hot" to mean about 23?C. The other one originates from Khartoum; to him "hot" means 45?C. <br><br><br><br>You are away and off to a rather bad start, because they all have a totally different idea of what you want to convey. But suppose you say, "It's very hot today; the temperature is 28? C." Now there is no room for confusion. They both know quite clearly that it can be 28? C outside which you consider this being very hot. <br><br><br><br>Using all the precise information as possible in a very text gives the writer two significant advantages: <br><br><br><br>? Mind Control <br><br><br><br>Let's stop embarrassed by the term "mind control", since this is precisely what the great expository writer wants to achieve. He needs for the various readers's mind to travel only where he directs it and nowhere else. <br><br><br><br>Because they might be interpreted in unknown ways, ambiguous terms (so-called "weasel words") like "hot", "cold", "big", "small", "good", "bad", etc., allow the reader's mind to escape in the writer's control. An occasional lapse is not critical; however, way too many weasel words in a very text will finally lead to reader confusion, boredom and disinterest. <br><br><br><br>? Reader Confidence <br><br><br><br>Using precise information generates confidence, because it tells people that the writer really knows what he or she is talking about. <br><br><br><br>Reader confidence is very important in any kind of text, but it can be crucial in argumentation. If you happen to be trying to win a point, the last thing you want is people to challenge your data, but this could be the first reaction imprecise writing will provoke. Precise writing ensures that the discussion will be regarding the implications with the information, i.e. what conclusions ought to be drawn, not if the whole thing needs to travel back for additional investigation.<br><br><br><br>Importance of logical linking <br><br><br><br>Precise data (facts) by themselves are insufficient. To be meaningful, data should be organised to produce information, i.e. help your reader understand. <br><br><br><br>There are two important tests to use when converting data into information: <br><br><br><br>1. Relevance <br><br><br><br>Is a particular bit of data really needed? As we've seen, unnecessary data damages understanding and ultimately undermines confidence. Therefore, any data that don't either aid understanding or promote confidence should be eliminated.<br><br><br><br>2. Misconceptions <br><br><br><br>The logical link between data should be made explicit to prevent the various readers from coming to false conclusions. For example: a unique situation may be confused for any general one; credit on an achievement may seem to belong to only one person if this really belongs to a group; a company policy may appear to apply only in very specific circumstances rather than in all circumstances, etc. <br><br><br><br>To ensure that a logical link is see-through, put the two components of data as close to each other as is possible, preferably right next to one another. <br><br><br><br>When data are widely separated, their logical relationship is masked and also the reader is unlikely to produce the connection. <br><br><br><br>What do you need? What do the future prospect want?<br><br><br><br>I frequently ask non-professional writers what they are thinking when they sit down with the keyboard to compose their text. The answer is usually something like, "How do I want to present my material?" "What tone and magnificence should I use?" "In what order should I put my key ideas?" And so on. <br><br><br><br>However, should you start using the correct attitude, i.e. no one really wants to read that which you write, the first task is none of these. Ahead of other things, you need to find main reasons why people should spend their time and energy to read what you write. <br><br><br><br>In general, you cannot force people to learn what they don't need to, even if they are being paid to accomplish so. <br><br><br><br>For example, you produce a report defining opportunities for increased sales. However, if it is not well written, even people who must read becoming part of their job are unlikely allow it their full attention. On the opposite hand, if they immediately see their very own self-interest in reading whatever you have written, they are going to do so gladly with full attention. In fact, you most likely couldn't stop them from reading it! <br><br><br><br>There are various methods to build such a strong desire to learn, depending on the type of readers as well as the type of info. Whatever the most appropriate device, the important thing would be to recognise the imperative require to use it. Until this require is met, little else is from a importance. <br><br><br><br>Editor's note: Reading is definitely an isolated activity and listening to a speech is often a social one. Therefore, whilst the root principles of fine writing and good speaking are constant, the way they are applied could be markedly different. In the 'I' from the Storm: the Simple Secrets of Writing & Speaking (Almost) just like a Professional, Mr. Yaffe's recently published book, clearly explains these differences. It also offers several appendices with cogent examples and pertinent, effective exercises. <br><br><br><br>Philip Yaffe is a former reporter/feature writer with The Wall Street Journal along with a marketing communication consultant. He currently teaches training in good writing and good speaking in public in Brussels, Belgium. In the 'I' in the Storm is accessible either in a very print version or electronic version from Story Publishers in Ghent, Belgium ( and Amazon ( <br><br><br><br>For more info, please contact: <br><br>Philip Yaffe<br><br>61 avenue des Noisetiers<br><br>B -1170 Brussels, Belgium<br><br>Tel: +32 (0) 660 04 05<br><br>Email phil.yaffe@yahoo.com<br><br><br><br>Philip Yaffe is really a former writer with The Wall Street Journal and international marketing communication consultant. Now semi-retired, he teaches courses in persuasive communication in Brussels, Belgium. Because his clients use English as a second or third language, his procedure for writing and presenting and public speaking is somewhat not the same as other communication coaches. He is the author of In the ?I? with the Storm: the Simple Secrets of Writing & Speaking (Almost) just like a Professional. Contact: phil.yaffe@yahoo.com.
