
Hindi Grammar: Learning Parts of Speech

6,330 バイト追加, 2016年7月27日 (水) 04:10
ページの作成:「Grammar will be the rules of an language. To learn a language, you will need to know the rules. To start with, to learn Hindi grammar, we learn the different areas of spe...」
Grammar will be the rules of an language. To learn a language, you will need to know the rules. To start with, to learn Hindi grammar, we learn the different areas of speech inside the language. The elements of speech are identical to that in English language. The article lists the parts of speech in Hindi.<br>One of my favorite starters in a very language class is to ask students to visualize a world without the language or any form of expression. The objective is usually to remind the scholars and myself about how exactly important language is. In every language, grammar plays an important role. It organizes the language. It provides rules of the language. Grammar in Hindi is called vyakran. In this article, we learn the different aspects of speech inside the Hindi language. The meanings with the Hindi words are given in English in parentheses right after the Hindi word. Where applicable, the Hindi script is also given.<br><br>Parts of speech in Hindi grammar correspond with this of English. In Hindi, too, there are eight areas of speech. The eight parts of speech are sangya (noun), sarvnam (pronoun), vesheshan (adjective), kriya (verb), kriya visheshan (adverb), sambandhbhodak (preposition), yojak (conjunction), and ghotak (interjection). Let us analyze the parts of speech 1 by 1.<br>Nouns are called sangya (&#x938;&#x902;&#x91C;&#x94D;&#x91E;&#x93E;) in Hindi. Just like nouns in English, sangya also name people, places, things and ideas. For example:<br>The following sentences contain samples of sangya (nouns):<br>Pronouns are called sarvnam (&#x938;&#x930;&#x94D;&#x935;&#x928;&#x93E;&#x92E;) in Hindi. Like in English, sarvnam are words employed in place of nouns. For example:<br>The following sentences contain types of sarvnam (pronouns):<br>Adjectives are called vesheshan (&#x935;&#x93F;&#x936;&#x947;&#x915;&#x94D;&#x937;&#x923;) in Hindi. Just like adjectives in English, vesheshan also give more details about the sangya (noun) or even the sarvnam (pronoun). For example:<br>The following sentences contain types of vesheshan (adjectives):<br>The verb, specifically the action verb, is called kriya (&#x915;&#x94D;&#x930;&#x93F;&#x92F;&#x93E;) inside Hindi language. For example:<br>Note that this verbs given in the example are for singular masculine subjects. For feminine gender and singular number, the verbs are conjugated as khati hai (&#x916;&#x93E;&#x924;&#x940;&#x939;&#x948;), peeti hai (&#x92A;&#x940;&#x924;&#x940;&#x939;&#x948;), and jati hai (&#x91C;&#x93E;&#x924;&#x940; &#x939;&#x948;). The plurals with the verbs for both the genders are khate hai (&#x916;&#x93E;&#x924;&#x947;&#x939;&#x948;), jate hai (&#x91C;&#x93E;&#x924;&#x947;&#x939;&#x948;), and peete hai (&#x92A;&#x940;&#x924;&#x947;&#x939;&#x948;).<br>The following sentences contain samples of kriya (verbs):<br>Kriya vesheshan (&#x915;&#x94D;&#x930;&#x93F;&#x92F;&#x93E;&#x935;&#x93F;&#x936;&#x947;&#x915;&#x94D;&#x937;&#x923;) in Hindi does exactly the same work as that's done by adverbs in English. These words give additional information about the verb, adjectives, as well as other adverbs inside a sentence. For example:<br>The following sentences contain types of kriya vesheshan (adverbs):<br>Prepositions are known sambhandbodhak shabd (&#x938;&#x92E;&#x94D;&#x92C;&#x928;&#x94D;&#x927;&#x92C;&#x94B;&#x927;&#x915;) in Hindi. Just as prepositions in English describe the relationship between nouns, verbs, and adjectives, sambhandbodhak shabd are words this tell concerning the relationships of sangya (nouns) and sarvnam (pronouns) using the other words from the sentence. For example:<br>The following sentences contain instances of sambhandbodhak shabd (prepositions):<br>Conjunctions are known yojak (&#x92F;&#x94B;&#x91C;&#x915;) in Hindi. Like in English, these words do the job of joining two sentences or parts of sentences. For example:<br>The following sentences contain examples of yojak (conjunctions):<br>Interjections are called ghotak (&#x918;&#x94B;&#x924;&#x915;) in Hindi. Similar to in English, these are exclamatory words. For example:<br>The following sentences contain instances of ghotak (interjections):<br><br><br><br><br>eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'brighthubeducation_com-medrectangle-3']));<br><br><br>All with the above mentioned elements of speech can further be grouped in 2 categories:<br>Vikari: The word vikar means change. The words that can be changed in form are known as vikari. Sangya (noun), sarvnam (pronoun), visheshan (adjective), and kriya (verb) will be in this category for that simple believe that their form can be changed. To form the feminine gender or perhaps the plural of such words, the first word is changed. Hence, these kinds of words are called vikari shabd. Different forms in the same word may be formed in the event of vikari shabd. For example, ladka (&#x932;&#x921;&#x93C;&#x915;&#x93E;) can be a masculine gender singular noun; the feminine gender of ladka (&#x932;&#x921;&#x93C;&#x915;&#x93E;) is ladki (&#x932;&#x921;&#x93C;&#x915;&#x940;) and the plural [http://numbers-whatsapp.com/ girls whatsapp number] is ladke (&#x932;&#x921;&#x93C;&#x915;&#x947;). The word ladka is changed in order to create the feminine gender and the plural forms.<br>Avikari: The prefix a- prefixed to your word in Hindi helps make the opposite of the word. Avikari category words include those parts of speech which can't be changed or who have only one form. Kriya visheshan (adverb), sambhodhak (preposition), yojak (conjunction), and ghotak (interjection) are avikari words. For example, the adverb jaldi (&#x91C;&#x932;&#x94D;&#x926;&#x940;), along with the preposition aur (&#x914;&#x930;) have only one form and so are hence generally known as avikari shabd. These words cannot be employed in any other form.<br>A practice being active is available for download at Practice Exercise - Parts of Speech in Hindi.<br>References: Sachitra Hindi Vyakran (&#x938;&#x91A;&#x93F;&#x924;&#x94D;&#x930;&#x939;&#x93F;&#x928;&#x94D;&#x926;&#x940;&#x935;&#x94D;&#x92F;&#x93E;&#x915;&#x930;) and Manak Vyavharik Hindi Vyakran Tha Rachna (&#x92E;&#x93E;&#x928;&#x915;&#x935;&#x94D;&#x92F;&#x935;&#x939;&#x93E;&#x930;&#x93F;&#x915;&#x939;&#x93F;&#x928;&#x94D;&#x926;&#x940;&#x935;&#x94D;&#x92F;&#x93E;&#x915;&#x930;&#x924;&#x925;&#x93E;&#x930;&#x91A;&#x928;&#x93E;)