Travel Photography - An Interview with Professional Photographers amp; Owners of Creative Sparks Design Jim amp; Lisa Engelbrecht

2016年7月25日 (月) 05:43時点におけるMary42Z783 (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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2016年7月25日 (月) 05:43時点におけるMary42Z783 (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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We'll step inside the minds of international travel photographers, Jim and Lisa Engelbrecht, to discover what travel photography is about and seek the advice of the professionals.
Ever wonder what it's really like to become travel photographer? Is travel photography something you've considered learning, but nonetheless have questions and concerns? Owners of Creative Sparks Design, Jim and Lisa Engelbrecht, are going to help us better see the challenges and advantages of travel photography, and present to us their top 5 tips that any aspiring travel photographer should look into.
(Click on images to enlarge)
I've asked Jim and Lisa to provide me having a brief bio on who they are and where they are offered from. Here's what they'd to say:
Jim: Born in Chicago, IL in 1953, I spent my childhood years in Cincinnati, OH. After high school graduation, I attended Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. After ten years in Rochester, I gone after Boston. I have worked in advertising being a designer and at Parker Brothers as an art director (where Lisa and I met). I then became a creative director inside the travel industry ' hiring photographers till I found that 'I could do that", as opposed to sitting in an office building.
Lisa: I was born in Louisville, KY in 1959. I moved around quite a bit before I attended college at Endicott College in Beverly, MA. After graduation in 1979, I settled inside the Boston area and have been there from the time, working as an illustrator, designer, art director and photographer. I deal with my husband, Jim, and now we work together beyond our house.
Bright Hub (BH): How did you get started being a photographer? Did you go to school or take any courses?
Jim Engelbrecht (JE): I first loved photography in secondary school. I saved my money and graduated from a Kodak Brownie to some 35mm SLR Nikkormat, so I could work on my secondary school yearbook. I also took an important part time job in a photo studio's darkroom (remember those?). I majored in photo illustration and communication design attending college, but took a job as a designer and art director. I art directed countless photo shots over time and hired photographers for travel assignments. Starting in 2004, I decided I desired to shoot assignments and have out from behind a desk. Having worked inside the travel industry, I had made valuable contacts along learned what photo editors were seeking.
Lisa Engelbrecht (LE): Photography happens to be a hobby of mine; I took photography classes in college. I started to add photography as a service for my graphic design business, which later expanded into doing on-location shooting for travel companies who required photographs to get included in their marketing brochures and catalogs.
BH: Obviously, as an international travel photographer, you've seen much of the world. What has been your favourite spot to visit and why?
JE: Because I love to travel, every place has been an adventure and I have loved them. One place that really stands out, and I'm sure Lisa will agree, is Croatia. It's this kind of magical place. An African Safari reaches the top of my list also.
LE: Yes, I loved Croatia due to the natural beauty, the quaint coastal towns, the friendly people, the food and the old-world charm that's very apparent today.
BH: As a travel photographer, who're some of customers and what have you do for them?
JE: We have devoted to the major direct mail travel tour providers, as they have a large demand for images to aid their marketing efforts. We photograph the passenger experience, which can be very different from the way a photographer might photograph an editorial assignment. We also photograph resorts, hotels, restaurants, events and will also be bringing our travel and event expertise for the wedding market. In this changing economy, we need to expand our client list. We also have stock photos on
LE: We have worked for Vantage Deluxe World Travel, Tauck World Discovery, Viking River Cruises, Grand Circle Travel and GWV Vacations. We took the trips making use of their passengers, photographing the scenery, the iconic landmarks, the folks, the culture as well as the passengers developing a great time. We often photograph the interiors of the riverboats or hotels also.
Please carry on to page 2 to find out what photography equipment and accessories Jim and Lisa consider an essential part of their travel photography. You'll also learn just what the greatest challenges and features of travel photography are, a whole bunch more.
BH: I suppose travelling from spot to place, day after day, you figure out how to pack only what's necessary. So, which are the 'must haves" of your camera bag?
JE: We shoot with Nikon equipment. I pack to possess all my primary equipment inside my carry-on bag. I may carry a lot of, but I want to become flexible if I need something for the special shot. Here's what's within my camera bag:
LE: I try to hold it light because carrying heavy equipment for 8-12 hours per day is no fun. Here's my list:
BH: What are the greatest challenges you encounter from like a travel photographer?
JE: The speed where we are forced to work ' it's not at all unusual to function 18-hour days and rush from location to location. Most of our own assignments require us to shoot inside instant moment and move on. I would love an assignment where I could plan and shoot a scene over time.
LE: We are usually on the guided tour with passengers so you have limited time in each location plus it may be with the wrong time of day with the wrong light on the 'must have shot".
BH: What do you want the most about being a travel photographer?
JE: I love to experience new cultures and developing a whole new visual world start to me, and meeting new people, learning about their lives as well as their food.
LE: I love having the ability to experience different cultures and seeing through my own, personal eyes all the beautiful stuff that I had observed in books or movies. We have met some wonderful people on our journeys now have friends around the globe.
BH: What's the worst thing which includes happened to you about the job?
JE: I had to shoot interiors on the mega yacht in rough water. Being below deck using the boat rocking; I had to accomplish everything I could to accomplish the job and make from getting sick.
LE: I was riding in an open-air jeep in South Africa; I put my camera during my camera bag and hang up in for the floor. Bad move! The ride was rough over dirt roads how the constant movement rendered my camera useless. We still had 3 days left of our trip...three days without a working camera. Luckily, I was able to find it repaired when we returned home for $200, but lost on many great shots those most recent days. Jim now carries a supplementary camera body.

We've saved the top for last! Continue on to page 3 to determine what the dog pros consider being the 5 top tips that any aspiring travel photographer should be aware of. You'll also learn what Jim and Lisa's favourite travel photos are, and where they manage to get thier ideas and inspiration from. Valuable contact information can also be found about the next page...
BH: What are 5 tips you'd give to somebody who is just learning travel photography?

BH: From your portfolio, precisely what are your two favourite photos, and what makes them your favourite?
JE: I was photographing an African woman weaving a mat. When I sat on the ground, foot-to-foot with her she looked over me and smiled ' I loved the link we made.
I was in Iceland and saw a church inside the middle of nowhere on the base of an glacier capped volcano. I loved the scale and how the red in the small church draws your eye from the immense volcano.
LE: I shot a table and chairs in a courtyard with a chateau in France which had an incredible view with the autumn vineyards. Every time I see that shot I can picture myself a slave to, experiencing the view while drinking a cup of joe or vino or two. Every woman I have shown it to has got the same reaction. It transports you.
The photo with the Russian countryside through the water was a result of being within the right place with the right time. It had been raining all morning along with the sun became available for about 5 minutes, as we passed this beautiful scene, I was lucky enough to become there with camera in hand. The sunlight helps to make the autumn colors glow.
BH: Where do your ideas and inspiration are derived from?
JE: I was raised with National Geographic and constantly admired the truly great photographers that worked for the magazine. I was transported to every single location they photographed. I need to capture that same quality with my photos.
LE: No matter what the language, a smile along with a camera can open many doors. I can get overwhelmed having a big busy scene so I often take many detail shots to heat up (close-ups of architecture, flowers, food, art, etc.). This inspires me as it helps me grasp the essence in the scene and after that I can shoot the complete scene and obtain a better shot.
BH: Where should people visit see more of your respective work, in order to contact you about your services?
We will travel anywhere; all over the world or in our own backyard to photograph an assignment. Travel assignments, events, resorts, your wedding name it, we'll shoot it.
Call Lisa for more information about our services and availability: 781-942-0682
Our travel photography portfolio is really a small sampling in the different trips we have taken. For a more in-depth view in our work and recent photo assignments head to For more information about Jim's background you can travel to his LinkedIn profile.
I desire to thank Jim and Lisa to take time from their hectic agenda to answer everything we've wanted to find out about travel photography. Thanks!
Did you find this interview helpful? In the next month, we'll be speaking with several professional photographers who specialize in specific areas of photography. Want to find out what commercial photography is centered on? How about nature photography? Perhaps you're thinking about being a spa photographer but would like more details...
Keep checking in because we'll have these topics plus much more covered within the near future.