A christian view on porn

2016年7月22日 (金) 08:20時点におけるBeatrizMcIlvain (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (ページの作成:「There are among Christians mixed views on porn. Some would say that it is only harmful or sinful if it negatively affects other people, or if you harm yourself by a compu...」)

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2016年7月22日 (金) 08:20時点におけるBeatrizMcIlvain (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (ページの作成:「There are among Christians mixed views on porn. Some would say that it is only harmful or sinful if it negatively affects other people, or if you harm yourself by a compu...」)

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There are among Christians mixed views on porn. Some would say that it is only harmful or sinful if it negatively affects other people, or if you harm yourself by a compulsive or destructive behavior.
I will in this article not include all the arguments that it is degrading to women, or that it creates a distorted view of sex, how it can be addictive, etc. If you have any sort of questions pertaining to where and the best ways to use gagging, you can call us at the web-page. (this can be found in separate articles).
No., in this article we will look at what the Bible says about porn.

For only 20 years ago there was no pornography available in the same way as we find it today. Those who were interested in this stuff could find it on a shelf with magazines far back in the shop or on a clearly marked shelf among the films in the video store. There was a space and a distance that does not exist today. If you were to get hold of porn, there were a number of steps involved and those who did not really want to, most of these were hindered in the process by their conscience or shame by the time they actually were to buy or rent the porn.
Today, it is not the same way. We now have the protection of anonymity! Today\'s porn is available in every person\'s home through the Internet. What was otherwise stuffed away on a shelf is now only a few mouse clicks away.
A whopping 12% the Internet consists of porn * (it equals 420 million pages!)
"Yes, but" you might say, "it\'s not that many that watches porn is it?". It most certainly is!
A whopping 42.7% of all Internet users is estimated to have watched porn *. In a survey it showed that even in Christian families porn was a problem, almost the same percentage there sometimes went to porn sites.

The age when boys comes into contact with porn has dropped to an average of 11 years *.
It\'s not just men who watch porn. A whopping 27% of all porn surfers are women.
The porn is something addictive that is not to be taken lightly upon. The sexual instinct in humans is responsible for the secretion of substances such as the much rewarding endorphin and dopamine. The chemical reaction in the body during an orgasm can be likened to the reward a heroin addict feels.

The need to seek out porn is sometimes tried to be explained by a dissatisfaction within marriage or a desire for affection and intimacy. Pornography can not give you any of this!

Is porn just a sin if you are married?

It\'s a common misconception that adultery is only associated with being married. Thus, usually some explain scriptures about adultery with the assumption that it is only adultery if you are married. In the Bible the word for adultery and fornication is being used interchangeably and there is no clear distinction between them. In addition to this conclusion, because sex is created solely for within the marriage it makes any form of sex outside of marriage in itself a violation of the marriage.

If we go back to the Bible passage at the beginning:
"Anyone who with lust looks at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his heart"
The word translated here "lust" in the Greek, epithymeō means to lust after, see with lust. This is the whole purpose of pornography, to stir up lust. There is only one person that you are entitled to look at with longing eyes, and that it is your wife / husband!

Jesus also says something very radical here, He says that they have actually had a form of sex with the person in question, "in their heart". Obviously not the same as when by intercourse two persons has been joined together, but still they have in their heart committed a sexual act with the person being lusted for. (there are many who fantasize about other people and where this becomes pretty clear; one has on his "inside", his "Heart", had sex with the person being fantasized about)

Jesus is concerned about this sin, he says the following in the next verse:

"If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away! It is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body be thrown into hell." Matt 5:29

According to Jesus this sin is serious, it separates man from God. Remember all the times we stand before God in a church service and lift up our hands and praise the Lord, but nothing happens. The meeting feels dull and lifeless, God feels light years away. It might be so that our sin prevents the glory of God from coming?
We are asked in 1 Tim 2:8 that "the men in every place should pray with holy, uplifted hands". What happens when the holiness disappears, what happens when there is sin that is not resolved? I think that the glory subsides.

Jesus does not leave us without a plan, He leaves us not without hope that it will get better, He says "If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away!"
Of course he does not mean that we should do this literally!
No., He means that what is now causing us to fall into sin, we should throw away.
It is wonderful to be cleansed in the blood of Jesus! To have your sins forgiven!

The first thing you must do is to confess your sin before God.
"Then I revealed my sin to you, I did not hide my iniquity. I said: \"I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.\" Then you forgave me my sin" (Psalms 32:5)
Then you have to get rid of all porn. If you have it saved on your computer go ahead and delete it, if you have it on DVD or magazines throw it away! Get rid of what is evil!
David writes in Psalm 101:3 "I do not turn my eye to evil. To act treacherously, I hate, it shall not be with me."
If you are drawn to inappropriate sites on the net so go install some software that helps you filter out porn (search on the for Net Nanny or X3Watch)
BUT the best is if you can contact someone whom you trust and can confess your porn surfing for. It feels great to have confessed your sin for another Christian!
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other" (James 5:16)
To confess for anyone else also means that you can have him as a "accountability partner", someone who gets a report if you would go into a porn site and who can pray with you if you should happen to fall. (there are computer programs that work in this way, the report is sent if you\'ve looked at porn to your accountability partner via email)
If you have trouble finding such a partner, you are welcome to contact us, we promise to help you!

There is no sin that Jesus does not want to forgive! He loves you and wants nothing more than to commune intimately with you! He wants everything that pollute your mind and prevent your relationship with him to be lifted off of you, He wants to make you truly free!

"If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36)

It can sometimes feel hopeless to get rid of a porn addiction but it is ALWAYS possible, there is no bond that can not be crushed, and no addiction that can not be broken in Jesus\' Name!
This page was made to help you, do not hesitate to contact us, we will pray for you and help you with encouragement and advice!

God bless you!